User News


John Dillard
September 12, 2017


September is here and with it are significant upgrades to ThreatSwitch. This month, you'll see a completely revamped training module and a few helpful bug fixes.

What's New

This week, we completely revamped the training function to make it incredibly easy to assign, track, and complete training. ThreatSwitch has always been helpful for training, but the new features make it faster, smoother, and easier -- especially for big companies. We also delivered shiny new bug fixes, the first phase of an update to file management, and general improvements that to performance and load time.

You can find all new guides to the training center at our support knowledgebase.

Keep reading for the details!

Brand New Training Module for NISPOM and other Security Needs

Improvement to the training module let you assign anything -- your own file, a 3rd party website like CDSE, or even a web page like a State Department travel overview -- to employees. They can access their training, confirm completion, and your records get updated automatically. The new interface makes it easy to handle large groups at once and better track completion rates. Specific upgrades include:

  • A step-by-step create training wizard to add new training to the system, allowing the security manager to add Files or Links as the training material.
  • Easier-to-access training files, which are now part of the training module itself, eliminating the need to switch back and forth from training to file management. 
  • Greatly enhanced security manager visibility of training, including the completion rate overall and by person
  • A new Training Details View that shows a list of users assigned, completed, or overdue on that particular training
  • A new Individual Completion View that shows completion rates for a person (and visible to your employees, too). 
  • Certificate Upload, which allows Employees to provide evidence of completion if required

Fixes and Minor Improvements

  • A number of enhancements to file visibility that prevents employee documents from appearing in the general File Management list, and vice versa.
  • JPAS changes and tweaks were performed to improve the JPAS update process.
  • A 2-step download process prevents pop-up blockers from blocking file download. 
  • A variety of minor UI and application tweaks.


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