User News

You've been upgraded to first-class foreign travel

Danny Solow
March 29, 2019

With our latest release, ThreatSwitch has improved the process of gathering information from employees regarding Foreign Travel. These updates allow for employees to easily submit all important pre & post-travel information to their Security Managers. Meanwhile, Security Managers can easily process these reports and take the appropriate actions and next steps.



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What does this mean for Security Managers?

Our upgraded Foreign Travel Reporting combines the pre-travel and post-travel report into one workflow, which means an easier way to review, approve and process your employee’s travel.. Reports now reside in one location, and the information requested from the employee is more comprehensive and inline with industry standards. Pre-travel now includes all aspects of the travel, including flight details, stay, reason and contact with foreign nationals. Post-travel will capture any changes as well as an industry standard questionnaire.

Worried about the previous submitted reports? No worries, all previously submitted reports will be located in the old “Reportable Information” screen.

What does this mean for employees?

With employee foreign travel documentation requirements located in a centralized, easy to access location, they can relay all travel information to Security Managers without administrative back-and-forth.

A few other items:

  • Employees can now update emergency contact details, passport info, and personal contact information.
  • A host of other little fixes and improvements to make ThreatSwitch a friendlier place

Interested in taking a closer look at enhanced Foreign Travel Reporting?

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